‘You can live for ever in a paradise on earth, but you will never know how’

In this book, an empty publisher’s dummy (of Winkler Prins Culinary Encyclopaedia) I started drawing in 1995. I used a fountain pen to make it easier to take the book with me on trips and draw anytime anywhere. I made the drawings on the spreads and never on the back of a drawing, so the book was filled with 159 drawings, all covering two pages while the next two pages remained empty.
After finishing the last one in 2004, I began to colour these ink drawings one by one with crayons, a slow proces that took another sixteen years, untill the end of 2020.
The first part of the title comes from a small evangelical book. I added the second part because I realised ever making the perfect drawing is an illusion.

I don’t want to state too much about the drawings themselves. Mostly I had no preconceived idea, though sometimes an actual event muscled in.
The drawings drew themselves most of the time. By adding colour the drawings gained depth and spatiality.

Original book:

 ‘You can live in a paradise on earth for ever, but you will never know how’ (1995-2020)
pim van halem, beeldend tekenaar


 650 pages
80 gram/dm2 (hxb=25.3×16.6cm)


 159; (hxb=25.3×33.2cm)




 Parker fountain pen


 Caran d’Ache, Pablo Collection


De website www.365pentekeningen.nl is een initiatief van Pim van Halem.
Realisatie: Lindenburg – IT-Plus.
Pim van Halem Achterhaven 25 – 3024 RB Rotterdam pim@365pentekeningen.nl Tel. 06 24448636 http://www.pimvanhalem.com